Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gates of Hell - Uniontown

The Gates Of Hell are located along Tent Church Road near Uniontown pa. Legend has it that a house once set further back behind from where the gates are now located, and that a man and and woman once lived in that house. There are different versions of the story, but the basic consistency would seem to be, that they both died there under some dark an tragic circumstance. A common tale is that the man was emotionally unstable, and that one day he killed his wife and then set the house on fire. After doing this he then killed himself. Today the site is said to be haunted by the two spirits. One of the spirits "perhaps that of the man" is said to be angry, while the other spirit "perhaps that of the women" is just there. The circumstances of the haunting are as follows. If you go down to the gates on certain nights and just set there parked beside or near them, you will begin to hear and see unexplained things. Some of the sounds heard would be that of little kids laughing, The sounds of several voices talking at once in a whispering sort of way, and growling noises in the air above where the gates set. Some of the sightings have been of shadows, and strange flashes of light, as well as balls of light.